Maronite College of the Holy Family endeavours to make education available to all families. Where a family is not in a financial position to afford the full College fees, you may apply for a hardship rebate. Assessment of each application is based on financial criteria, comprising of total family income, number of children, and special circumstances. Each application will be dealt with in a confidential basis, and we ask that you respect confidentiality attached to outcomes. Applying for a rebate does not automatically guarantee the right to a fee reduction. Hardship rebates will not be granted retrospectively. Approved rebates will apply for one year only.

A family must, depending on the circumstances, apply for hardship rebates at the commencement of the school year. Should your financial position change during the year you are required to advise the principal immediately.

This form needs to be completed with both parents’ details unless applying as a single parent. Please answer every question on this form, including the financial information requested.

Final decisions for granting of hardship rebates will be at the discretion of the College board.


Before starting the online application please ensure you have the following documents ready to load for both parents unless applying as a single parent.

  • mortgage/rental statements
  • 2 current payslips / 2 Centrelink Pay advices or a current tax assessment notice.
  • The most recent 6-month bank statement
  • medical certificate (if applying for medical reason or your receiving a disability pension) 

Please note in addition to above documentation a statutory declaration may be requested.

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