The Maronite College of the Holy Family

Maronite College of the Holy Family endeavours to:

  • deepen the faith of its students.
  • strengthen their hope.
  • extend their love and friendship.
  • develop in them a respect for all people through good manners, respect for authority, and dedication to work.

It is hoped that a student who has completed a major part of their education, at Maronite College of the Holy Family, will become:

  • disciples of Christ
  • faithful to their Maronite Catholic upbringing
  • people of justice, service and love
  • mature
  • intellectually competent
  • adults possessing necessary life skills
  • physically adept

Each teacher brings their own unique talents and background (educational, social and religious), and a shared vision of the importance of the Catholic education system.

Inspired by the Maronite Sisters of the Holy Family, we provide high quality learning, nurturing students in their spiritual, academic, physical, and social potential, to serve the needs of the broader community.

We enable our community to grow in the likeness of Christ, striving for excellence as leaders and advocates, and positively transforming our world.

  • Our Identity
  • Our Learners
  • Our Community

The beliefs that will guide our actions and decisions as we navigate the road to the vision

  • Integrity
  • Responsibility
  • Compassion