Pastoral care is a valued aspect of life at Maronite College of the Holy Family.  It underpins all we do both within the classroom and outside.  Pastoral care is necessary for the total wellbeing of students including their spiritual, physical and social needs.

Pastoral care at MCHF implements programs and practices aimed at promoting and supporting wellbeing, the College ethos and the climate and atmosphere in which students and staff learn and work. The pastoral care
program promotes a respectful, safe and healthy environment for the entire College community.

Students have access to services within the College to assist them. These include their homeroom teacher, Year Advisor, Counsellor, Career Advisor and the Secondary Leadership Team. Pastoral Care also implies spiritual care and this is offered through times allocated for reconciliation, prayer and participation in the Eucharistic Liturgies.

Secondary Pastoral Care Program

Pastoral Care takes on many shades, but all types of pastoral care encompasses an attitude of concern, respect, and empowerment of the individual. At MCHF, we provide pastoral care in a number of vital ways. Students are our asset and we need to look after them as best we can.

Over the College year, we will provide a weekly time slot on certain Fridays, specifically for pastoral care activities. This time is used for mentoring, motivational talks by guest speakers, discussion time, opportunity to reflect on life goals, a chance to prepare students for the bigger world, as well as being taught how to best manage their time and how to prepare for exams. The one-hour time slot for pastoral care has been of benefit both to students and staff.

Be You

Be You is a national initiative aimed at promoting and protecting positive mental health in children and young people. Be You is led by Beyond Blue, in partnership with Early Childhood Australia and headspace, funded by the Australian Government. Be You’s vision is that every learning community is positive, inclusive and resilient – A place where every child, educator and family can achieve their best possible mental health through promotion prevention and early intervention.

Our vision is for an education system in which every learning community is positive, inclusive and resilient, and where every student, staff member, and family can achieve their best possible mental health.
Our College promotes:

  • Enhanced social and emotional wellbeing
  • Improved engagement and academic performance
  • A positive and supportive learning environment
  • Improved support and earlier intervention if mental health issues emerge
  • Increased resilience and capacity to manage emotions and problems as they arise
  • Fostering of an environment where children and young people feel safe and supported to speak up when something is bothering them
  • Strategies to support children and young people at different developmental stages and create smoother transitions between stages of learning

The Resilience Project

The resilience project curriculum supports the pastoral and Be You program. It focuses on helping students develop positive mental health strategies to build resilience and happiness. This curriculum is taught to Secondary students during homeroom and pastoral. This curriculum is incorporated into the College Student Planners. Lessons are based on:

  • Gratitude
  • Empathy
  • Mindfulness
  • Emotional literacy

Primary to Secondary Transition Program

The Transition Program is a vital program supporting the development of students who are making the transition from Primary into Secondary education. It is essential for students to undertake the program, as it prepares and assists them to make the transition from Primary into Secondary education.

The aim of the program is to:

  • Introduce Primary students to the life of secondary education
  • Assist students to make the transition to Secondary as successful as possible
  • Prepare Primary students for secondary education
  • Promote Secondary Curriculum and Pastoral Care to the students
  • Inform the students of Secondary Policies and Expectations
  • Assist students in their first year of secondary education through peer support

Peer Support Program

The Peer Support Program is led by Year 10 Peer Support leaders. Year 10 students undertake training and on conclusion of the training, students are selected to become leaders.

The Peer Support Program provides a fun and engaging environment for young people to address social issues. Modules are designed to equip them with skills to deal proactively with life experiences. The Peer Support Program promotes wellbeing, which encourages positive relationships, connectedness and a sense of responsibility.

Students will be participating in the Resilience: Rethinking Challenges Program. Rethinking Challenges encourages young people to acknowledge their strengths and achievements, identify people who provide support, take responsibility for their wellbeing and learn from achievement, success and failure. The modules focus on transition, resilience, values and anti-bullying.